Mar 2, 2011

Sharing is Caring: CAR UNIVERSAL Laptop/Notebook DC CAR Charger

With the name of THE GREAT CREATOR, .:The most beneficial, The most merciful:.

Once upon a time, I've been in a conversation as below:
A: Do you have Car charger for Laptop?
Me: .. Erk? Wujud ke benda tuh?

Ok. Let's Google it

OK!.. wujud rupanye~ hehehe

Car Charger for Laptop (cited from :

Waaa.. 'Kagum' mood!! Okies, to anyone who need them, maybe could buy them online at here.

Also, found an article that talks about how to about buying or maintaining car chargers for laptops! You can read them here for more.

Thus, I would like to quote:

The best way is to let your battery drain as much as possible and then have it fully charged afterwards. That is the best process if you want to keep or even increase battery’s capacity.

Okies. Thats my sharing for today! Tata!
Fingernotes: Thx to my senior at my workplace! Kalo x, mmg akan menjadi Frog-under-coconut-shell-lah!


Thanks a Million for spills ouT!