Feb 23, 2011

Sharing is Caring: How to get qualified for graduation in UMP's e-com portal

With the name of THE GREAT CREATOR, .:The most beneficial, The most merciful:.

Okies. Skemanye tajuk. Ignore it. The important thing is the input and output to you.

Here it goes.

If you are a final year student with below problem.

After click at 'Graduation Application', lastly it stated that 'You are not qualified to Graduate. Please refer your Academic Advisor'

Yes. I could help since I had been in your shoes. Bukan maksud kasut anda. Hence, I want to share how I manage to settle them with help of maMa@Izyan Affandi. Thanks a million, maMa!! Luv ya.

Ok. Fast Forward. Please refer below step-by-step guided by maMa and complie by me.

Step 1: Scroll up for page 'Graduation Application', click 'View Course Structure'

Step 2: Print out the page. It shows your course updated in the system. Kalo x nk pon x pe. Just making ur life easier!
Step 3: Click 'Course Result' and check your register subject for every semester. (Note here: To view for each semester, click arrow next to the box. An archive will show)
Step 4: Ini yang kene rajin sikit. USAHA!! Do check your subject code in the 'Register Subject' and printed 'course structure'.

 Step 5: After you found the 'non-listed subject', do call FKM admin to do correction in the system by telling them your problem and the 'non-listed subject'. Rajin2kan la diri anda! Demi masa depan yg cemerlang ♪

Ps: Normally the 'non-listed subject' is under elective subject like UHE 4***. Maybe different peps, different subject.
Good Luck and 'Selamat berGraduasi'!! ☺
 Fingernote: Wow! Dah nk graduate? Mcm x caye~

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Thanks a Million for spills ouT!