Jan 30, 2010

Plz Vote : So do you think UMP is yours? UP : Hidayah_samat, ep_frendz & Mustang

With the name of ALLAH, the most Beneficial and the most Merciful,


Since the latest picture of UMP menjadi bhn rebutan ramai, therefore, I'm opening a polls so that the readers will be the voters (Kalau pihak y trcalon rasa nk vote for yourself, it's my pleasure.. (^o^)) UMP belongs to who?? speak through your votes, readers!! You be the judge~

So, do you think UMP is yours??

Survey Results - GlowDay.com

Case 1: Perebutan Kuasa
Case 2: Demokrasi
Conclusion : Does demokrasi mengurangkan perebutan kuasa??


  1. salam.

    erk. nape nama aku ada situ?? =.=

    anyways, nk undi tapi xleh tekan "vote"


  2. [=]@ EmcEE_SubZeRo
    la ye ke? cian nye... mybe prob dgn coding voting tue.. kire nye.. sesi undian adelah tidak adil.. hahahaha
    next tyme ash wat lagik...

    nape ade? hahaha.. sbb ade perebutan kuasa.. hihihihhi


Thanks a Million for spills ouT!