Apr 22, 2010

[1]@ Opening Diary of Visit to HEBEI NORMAL UNIVERSITY, Shi Jia Zhuang, China

With the name of THE GREAT CREATOR,
.:The most beneficial, The most merciful:.

Greetings to all, I've promised to all to share stories from my first-time-ever-trip-by-flight which is sponsored by UMP, [Alhamdulilah, gratitude to ALLAH for the 'rezeki' and to my beloved university for the golden chance].

I do believe each of us have the dream in our special-life-list-to-do rite? [especially my lita sister, adik,jgn mara..] Honestly, I've also dream to have a plane trip, knowing a new place, seeing the other country with my very own eyes. Understanding why ALLAH creates the world with many differences. [Praises for the Great Creator ] My ayah always says "Ikin, setiap perkara yang ALLAH tetapkn ada hikmah" by means everything happens have their own special reasons decided by ALLAH. So, from that momento, I always keep asking myself.. why.. why.. and why [that's one of the reason I wanted to be an engineer... hik3] Alamak! dah lari dari title!! Back to the experience that I should-must-mesti-wajib share with my friends in University especially not due to the fame, but the reason behind. But, maybe the story incomplete, I'll share one by one, ok, peps?

with Bismillahirahmanirahim...here it goes...

Some where in the middle of 3rd Year of B. Mechanical Engineering semester 1

Tut... tut....

Ikin (I) : a call? huh?
Someone (S) : Ni hao. Nǐ shì shuí? (Hello. Who are you?)
I : errk.. ni hao. Wo shi Ashikin. (errkk... Helo. I'm Ashikin)
S : aaa... Hao. Hao. Ashikin. Wo shi Chong Laoshi. (aaa... Good. Good.
Ashikin. I'm Mr. Chong) You had sent an application form to go to China
right? Can you come to my room, now?
I : now?
S : Yes, now, my room since we are going to have a meeting now.
I : Owh, ok.


YA ALLAH!! seriously!! YA ALLAH! Praises for ALLAH...

Diary of Visit to HEBEI NORMAL UNIVERSITY, Shi Jia Zhuang, China

14th December 2009

On that day, I go to the airport with my family and met with others in front of counter J. I really do appreciate my parents and my little brother, Arif support. They really 'sudi' to send me off. [Alhamdulilah for having a wonderful family...]. At 10.00 am, we go to Singapore by airplane SQ 810 from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). I do feel nervous since it’s my FIRST FLIGHT. There goes my first-flight to China even though during that moment, H1N1 is can be consider as serious case in CHINA!! waaaaaa!! May ALLAH protects me and my friends. Honestly, I even hold on to Kak Zura's hand tightly due to nervous syndrome!! Check in all the things before that, after waving to my family, I do still need to walk for plus-minus 15 minute to check-in and waits for the flight!! Still a worth-waits. [Rasa mcm dlm cite ATTENTION PLEASE!!] Alhamdulilah, 10.55 am, we arrived at Singapore for transit. Changi Airport. I don’t know that the airport have 3 terminals. It is a clean country with tight rules. [They apply the similar rules, why Islam have tight rules, to produce a great MUSLIM] We played crayon to kill the 5 hours transit. People around us were children only.. What ever! Kami masih budak2. :P Next fight, which we have opportunity to have a long flight which takes nearly 5 hours flight. We are consider as lucky enough to have a FREE blanket and pillow for the long journey. [Sampai ada antara kami yang menyimpan blanket tu sbgi kenangan.. kononnye.] Along the journey, we had been provided with dinner and some snacks. Not forgetting playing games!! weee~ I LUV Game!! Until, without knowing, I've shout a bit when playing street fighters!! hik3. [Malu je..]. Then, eat, sleep a bit or in malay 'tidur ayam', eat, go to ladies, games..... and We arrived at Beijing Capital Airport at 11 pm. Alhamdulilah. We rest at Qing Ze Hotel in Beijing since it is already late. First time arrived, I do felt the chillness! Help! Alhamdulilah ayah and ibu had buy me a super-tebal winter clothes due to my allergic to colddddd~ sejuuuuuk~ winter tuh!! Remember December mode~

Some pics:

Pic 1: At Changi Airport, Singapore

Pic 2: Arrival at Beijing

Finger notes 1: Wah!! First time kot pjg berkajang entry nih~ hahahaha.. ape2 pon, pengalaman mmg Guru terbaek dari ladang. muahahahaha

Finger notes 2: 14th Dec also is some one called LINA @ my best girl besday, and 15th Dec is my Litter sis besday and 16th Dec is my roomate, ERINaaa besday. Luckly I'm not in Malaysia on that time [is it?? hik3] Ape2 pown best wishes for them.

Finger notes 3: Rite now is my examination week actually, and 'rajin'ly, write down this memoirs hik3...

Finger notes 4: hA HAHAHAHAHA! dah x de nota jari lagik..



  1. waaaaaaaaaaa jeles ok

  2. [=]@ paani
    Alhamdulilah.. "Sy percaya pd rezeki.." hehehe.. ^^

    [=]@ jane
    hik3... ok je, cik j. xde pe nk di jeleskn. Tpi pglaman mmg best sgt2!! hehehe.. follow la diari ni, pi myb x selalu dpt update sbb tgh bz.. hahahaha


Thanks a Million for spills ouT!