Today. A day with sorrowful.
Hence, I do hope ending doesn't came.
I love to meet friends, making new memory,but...hate to say goodbye.
- My goguma's couple, YongSeo Couple left the show. 'We Got Married!'
- My friend from internship place, Wani and Nor left the company.
- Thus.. x lama lagik.. Ika will leaving me.. myself.. am I alone?
Mariam, awak masih ingat x, bila awak kene pindah sekolah, awak kata "Setiap persahabatan yang ikhlas, dipertemukan kerana Allah dan dipisahkan kerana Allah. " and as a humble creation, we should obey the law of life. Ikin redha. Ikin ingat lagik.
Nadiah, setiap kali kita terpisah, Allah pasti akan pertemukan kita semula. Dari sekolah rendah sampai sekarang. Kita pasti bertemu semula kan? Praise to Allah.
Lina. Hahahaha.. masa jumpa ari tuh, x sangka betul awak makin sihat!! hehehe.. x pe, insyAllah, bayang seorang bakal doktor can be seen. You are much more better then the time we say goodbye. And I'm glad you are still you.
Matriculation is fun!! I love Perak's Matriculation and proud to be one. Always! Cik Nuriffa Izzati and cik Syamimi Anis are the most lovely rum8 I ever had! Best bila teringat, pagi-pagi mesti bukak radio and for dinner always tagged along with awak berdua! Time puasa and berbuka puasa! Time adik-adik korang ada! Cik Wanie yang selalu diet dengan sayur nye.. classmates y memang terbaek la!! Ying ying who has a twin sister! Fiza, Zaza, Eein, Paani, Rudy, Atiah and the boys.. Achoooo!!! okies.. Ash will remember that! Miss Chew, Miss Ng and other teachers...Your advice always be my favorite! I always pray the best for you peps!
Then, university...
A bit felt.. bitter and hard to let go..
Sue, Erin and Ain. Korang memang rummate sehati and sejiwa. If kita tido, mkn, tgk cite hujung minggu genti sesame.. Outing ape tah lagik.. memang complete myself la!! .. tapi U kite mmg cemburu dengan rapatnye kita kan? kan? huhuhuhu...My three angels. Thanks for always be there for me.
Natul!!! Sgt suka kenal awak! Aisyh! Sampai sekarang segan rasenye teringat yang saye boleh tersilap antara awak and adik awak!!!... malu... Okies!! Ape2 pon best jadi rummate awak! Eating is a must!! kekeke~ Learn and understand new things with you... and glad plus amat bersyukur awak adalah rummate saye di Pekan!! Fill-in my semester!!
Waaah!! The lane getting harder to look...
Ida, my best buddy, mmg every time or do something, always rasa You are my soulmate. Taw and faham je jiwa ikin. Always there for me and others!! Kekekeke~ time nak makan sambil drive pon, awak faham! Zila!! Kembarku!! even our face is different... sgt!! but hati kita serupa.. kan? kan? Mcm mane dengan cerita korea baru?? kekekeke~ and Daia... hahahahhaha.. jap2... control.. hahahahahahahahahaha! x leh la nak tahan gelak bila teringat gaya Daddy yang terkejut tengok gaya cik daia gelak!! You are truly you! Each of you are unik with own personalities. still remember the last night we spent together.. Allah always blessing you.
Pakcik!!! Boodeng!! Yus and Azeem!! memang terbaek la!! korang selalu ada... for hard time and for fun. hahahahaha! Sending my deepest gratitude for being there. Semoga korang bahagia always~
Girls of Mechanical Engineering!!! Mmmg the Best!! Ash amat bersyukur jumpa and kenal korang... Tiqa, Hajar, NATUL!!, Ira, Azza-dah pandai baca doa naek unta?? kekekek~, Mama, Yana, Fara-WGM dah nak ends!!
Boys of Mechanical Engineering!! Nih mmg sgt la banyak and x dapat nak disenaraikan.. tapi korang memang the best lah!!
Batch 2007 Mechanical Engineering memang terbaek!
Dak2 program yang Ash join...sgt banyak la orang yang Ash jumpe!! Semoga Allah memberkati setiap dari kamu.
Internship programme, Aisyah, Wani, Nor and Ika... nice to have you people around me.
Although, it is a longest entry (hahaha... tetibe je kan?).. the farewell list will never ends since every beginning must have an end. The wiser once quote:
Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!
~Author Unknown
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!
~Author Unknown
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Thanks a Million for spills ouT!